Brady Tweedy: Hucking and Recovering

Brady Tweedy: Hucking and Recovering

In our first blog of the New Year we caught up with the incredibly talented shredder, huckster, bike pilot... well, we’re not quite sure what to call him because he can do just about everything and spends as much time in the air as a commercial pilot. Brady comes from a BMX background but has translated his skillset to the dirt, and the results are spectacular. If you haven’t had a chance to check out one of his videos here or follow him on Instagram. It’s worth it, we promise. Brady was an early adopter of SCC Slick and has been part of our family for the last few years. As we’ll touch on below, he recently suffered from a crash related injury that has resulted in the need for double ACL reconstruction surgery. We’re currently donating $10 from every RideIt Hat to help offset his medical expenses. He also has a GoFundMe page set up if you can find it in you to help this incredibly talented guy get back in the saddle and make the bike world a much better place. 


Hey Brady, thanks so much for joining us. We know you had a hard year last year but let’s start at the beginning. How old were you when you got into riding?


I started racing BMX in the second grade and hooked on it for life! But, I first got into mountain biking with my step dad when I was 11. He got into mountain biking to help scout for deer, but it was funny; he would get upset because I'd always be out trying to find jumps scaring all the animals away.  


Ha, it sounds like you weren’t exactly helpful. When you weren’t scaring away deer what trails were you riding?


I grew up in Blackfoot Idaho. Trails didn't really exist in Idaho at the time, but now when I go back home I ride Cave Trail and City Creek in Pocatello.


What was your first bike?


Robinson Racer Rebel! It was blue and white with blue flames, I loved it!



We know you’re incredibly talented on the bike, what have been some of your bigger accomplishments?


Getting the REVEL contract has so far been my biggest accomplishment (with SCC a close second). Off the bike getting my CDL license, which has allowed me the ability to make a decent living and gives me the free time to ride my bike!


When/how did you first hear about SCC Tech?


My buddy Evan Service introduced me to it a couple years ago at the trailhead one day when my chain was squawking and I've been hooked ever since.


There’s always that friend. We’re glad he was at the right place at the right time, what a happy accident. Speaking of accidents, can you tell us a bit about your injury or walk us through that day?


It was a typical, casual day riding the jumps at I street. I was 360-ing the main step up and over rotated by 90 degrees and my knee just buckled. I knew instantly when it happened, so I figured the damage was done and I got a knee brace and toughed it out.


Ouch. That sounds horrible, it’s like one of those injuries we watch in slow motion during NFL games, except without the cart and team of medics nearby. How’s the recovery process been?


At first it sucked. It was super painful, but I went in mentally prepared and just taking it day by day. So far everything is looking and feeling solid. I feel fortunate and grateful for the help and support coming from the bike community.  


What are your goals for 2021? We have to imagine it’s only going up from here.


I'm keeping it simple this year. I'm going to be focused on getting back on the bike and back to 100%. I want to ride as much as possible and create some great content along the way.


We can’t wait to see you back on the bike and creating content. Your videos are stunning, it’s amazing to watch you take those hits and just get right back on and keep trying until you nail a trick. It’s truly an inspiration. Thanks so much for joining us today and for being a great ambassador for not only SCC Tech, but the entire sport. We wish you a speedy recovery!

Fun Fact: When Brady is not riding he works full time for Anheiser Busch delivering beer around the Salt Lake area. He’s a good guy to know. 

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